Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I am sorry, I posted too soon.

Winter is back! He did take a little trip, I am so glad to see him. We think that he said he went to Alaska, but it was way too far for him.

Thank you for your prayers.


Susie said...

Glad he's back home!

KathyB. said...

Excellent ! He was just checking to see if he would be missed, and now that he knows he was he is feeling purringly happy I bet!

Did you shower him with hugs and kisses or scold him?

LindaSue said...

so happy your cat is back - I hate it when a critter "goes missing". The Aussies have a concept of going on a walkabout - maybe that was what your cat did - just took a journey for a while to see what was in the world and realized - there's no place like home!

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Oh, so wonderful! Glad he is home and that he is ok. We are just like mothers missing children when our kitty cats go astray aren't we? Blessings,Kathleen

Connie said...

Winter looks like a very sweet cat! I'm glad he was just gone for a little trip and has returned safely! :)